Post 4 - Spring Quarter

Wow, it’s been almost a month since my last post! The first week of spring quarter is almost over, and I have officially begun my final lower deivision declaration requirement. I can’t wait to start taking my upper division classes in the fall!

I’m currently preparing for the ForAllSecure Mayhem Hackathon at UCSC.

Just a quick update for now, I’m hoping to post here a little more regularly though.


Post 3 - .1415926535

Happy Pi Day!


Post 2 - It’s ALIVE!

Finally got GitHub pages hosting set up, after fighting with Jekyll for a little while. I’m honestly stoked with how this project turned out, and I intend to keep it in active development, so it will be interesting to see where it goes from here.


Post 1 - …and Breathe

Okay, building a website was both easier and harder than I thought. I ran into a lot of unexpected problems (particularly with relative paths) and I breezed through some things that I thought would be more difficult (including most of the CSS).

I built this site using SvelteKit, and it was a great overall experience. I learned a lot, and feel confident in my new front-end skills (after this project and SlugBites). I’m excited to see where I can utilize these skills in the future!


Post 0 - MDsveX

This is my first blog post on I just set up MDsveX for this site, which is what I will be using to display my markdown blog posts.

That’s all for this post, as it’s mainly just to test if MDsveX is working properly.
